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How to Clean Aluminum Outdoor Furniture meta name="sitelock-site-verification" content="8257" /

It’s important to keep your outdoor restaurant chairs and barstools clean and looking good. Below are some tips for cleaning aluminum outdoor restaurant furniture. Note: many times contract furniture is made out of aluminum but is painted, powder coated or has another exterior layer. This article deals with clean bare, uncoated aluminum.

The best advice is to wipe down the commercial furniture each day with a moist, soft cloth. On a weekly basis clean with soap and water and dry with a soft cloth. You can wax your polished chairs with any ordinary car wax. Never use commercial kitchen chemicals on the chairs, barstools and tables.

Daily cleaning: Windex® or similar spray cleaner, with or without bleach followed by a soft, lint free towel. Wash any film or residue with hot water. Do not use Stainless Steel cleaner on any aluminum furniture.

Heavy-duty dirt or oil: Very hot water and strong soap, followed by a soft, lint free towel.

Light scratches: High quality aluminum polish with buffing pads in a circular pattern (available at most hardware stores). Follow by a light polish of cornstarch with a very soft cloth.

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With aluminum furniture many times it is welded and brushed for a uniform finish. Weld lines are natural and always visible, and can range from very light to slightly darker than the adjoining aluminum surface.

Anodizing changes the aluminum surface to aluminum oxide, a super-strong material. Anodized aluminum is corrosion-proof can be used outdoors, however we suggest cleaning with soap and water every two weeks.

For more information on indoor commercial resin restaurant tops visit the Outdoor Restaurant Seating selection or call 610-994-1686.

Outdoor Restaurant Seating offers the best value in indoor and outdoor commercial furniture including chairs, tables, barstools, and restaurant seating for restaurants, cafes, social clubs and other organizations that offer dining experiences. Restaurant owners and managers depend on us to maximize space utilization, outdoor conditions and high quality furniture to deliver comfortable accommodations for patrons and most importantly the best return on investment.

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