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How to Pick the Right Resin Table Top Color for Your Restaurant meta name="sitelock-site-verification" content="8257" /

Your guests' experience begins in the parking lot and is enhanced the moment they walk into your establishment. Their table will be their home for the next hour or more so it’s important that they are comfortable. The indoor commercial resin table tops offered by OutdoorRestaurantSeating look good and stand up to intense commercial use. The tops come in four different colors, Natural, Cherry, Mahogany, and Walnut, to suit any color scheme, as well as round, square, and rectangular shapes in several sizes. These table tops are perfect for restaurants, bars and hotels.

Every restaurant needs a color scheme for walls, decor, tables, linens, and incorporate the exterior, signage, logo, and everything else. Below are some considerations if you need to decide what color indoor resin top to choose:

  1. What will be or what is your color scheme? The color of the table top will obviously need to fit.
  2. Where do you want to draw your patrons’ eyes and attention? Evaluate the colors used around the top. What type of plates, flatwear, placemats are used? Do you serve decorative and colorful food, plates and presentations? What color are the chairs, walls and accenting decorations? You will want to use a dark or light color to highlight or detract from elements in the dining experience. For example do you want each table to blend into the overall restaurant ambience or do you want each table to represent an individual oasis of fun?
  3. Compare how each table top color plays into your décor:
  • Natural color indoor resin table top. This is a lighter, pale color in the family of yellow. Yellow signifies happiness and joy. Sometimes yellow can also symbolize cheapness or stinginess. Yellow is good as an accent color or as a background color.
  • Mahogany and cherry indoor resin table tops. The colors are similar but cherry is more brown and mahogany is more red.  Red is bold, noticeable and complicated as it symbolizes anger but also love. Red is a good color for many ethnic restaurants. Browns shows a degree of sophistication or simple elegance, depending on other colors associated with the brown.
  • Walnut color indoor resin table top. This top is dark and rich, signifying excitement, class, and boldness. It can also represent sadness, and is perfect to compliment to a lighter color.
  1. Lastly, visit the large restaurant chains. These organizations have invested lots of money researching colors, and should be able to provide you with guidance and ideas.

Outdoor Restaurant Seating offers the best value in indoor and outdoor commercial furniture including chairs, tables, barstools, and restaurant seating for restaurants, cafes, social clubs and other organizations that offer dining experiences. Restaurant owners and managers depend on us to maximize space utilization, outdoor conditions and high quality furniture to deliver comfortable accommodations for patrons and most importantly the best return on investment. Call 610-994-1686 for more information.

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