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Restaurant Up Sell Tip: Lobby Seating and Service for those Waiting meta name="sitelock-site-verification" content="8257" /
Have you ever pulled up to a restaurant only to see a lot of people milling around outside or sitting on benches, waiting for a table inside?

Realizing your probably going to have to wait, you keep driving, right?

What if the people waiting outside could instead be seated in chairs or barstools at small tables suitable for holding drinks?

Even in cooler weather, if the outdoor seating looks inviting, customers will be more inclined to wait. Offering a limited drink menu or possibly even complimentary infused water or warm beverages from a decorative server can add to the hospitality.

With such a set-up, these folks are now not waiting but are already patrons and their comfortable presence outside invites more guests.

You may find it helps with extending drink sales later into the evening as well, as people who want to enjoy the night but are not looking to eat will have their drinks outside.

Outdoor seating not only adds to your capacity but also can act as a sales tool…. Be creative in accommodating your clientele! works with owners and management of cafes, restaurants, bars and other hospitality establishments to create comfortable dining experiences. To see the selection of seating options and other restaurant furniture like seats, chairs, bucket seats, table tops, table bases, resin table tops, bases, and more visit

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